Sunday, April 4, 2021

A solid look at the economics of the movie industry

This well produced, and recent, video from Economics Explained gives us a look into the finances of the rapidly changing movie industry.  Here are a few numbers the popped out to me.  Worldwide global box office sales were $42 billion in 2019.  The movie industry supports 2,500,000 jobs, more jobs in the U.S. than either farming or mining.  This industry pays out $181 billion in wages annually.  That's a big industry.  People tend to forget that.

The current pandemic slammed a 71% drop in revenue on the industry in 2020.  That's a huge hit, and everyone who works in the industry is amped to get back to work again.  As I'm writing this, business of all kinds is beginning to open up, as mass vaccinations take place, and we all hope things will be going full steam again within a couple of months.  I'm going to be writing and linking videos about Hollywood, the place, in the coming weeks.  I'm now living just over the hill from Hollywood itself, and much of that industry is here in the Valley.  So diving into interesting places in and around Hollywood seemed like the place to get this blog off the ground.

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